Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Ice Storm Cometh...and Goeth!

The ice storm came last week. School let out early on Monday and we lost power on Tuesday afternoon. Lee spent 2 nights where he works, while Madison and I stayed at the house with no power, which meant no heat. Thursday, Lee came and got us and we spent the next 3 nights at Good Samaritian, the nursing facitlity where he works. The administrator let employees, their immediate families, pets even, stay in the unoccupied rooms and apartments. They even fed us for free and trust me, after 2 days with no hot water, I really appreciated a hot shower! They were so awesome to us and really lived up to their name. We went home on Sunday night and the first 6 houses on our street had power...we are the 7th house :o( But we did finally get power back yesterday afternoon. Oh how I dread having to clean out the frig and freezer, but luckily we didn't lose as much as some others that we know.

I can't believe I almost forgot to mention, Madison lost her first tooth (bottom middle) Monday night! She pulled it herself after I "deaden" it with Ambesol. She was so proud of herself and so excited about the tooth fairy visiting (the fairy brought her $2, I only got a quarter when I was a kid).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow looks like you really got slammed with that ice! I'm down in Russellville and we escaped it for the most part.